
Showing posts from June, 2023

Man-o-gram #32

Gordon Crocker. Hats off to this cat, it’s likely all his fault, this adventure. That’s him in the picture above, round 1975, not a snowball’s chance in hell of getting away with those trousers now Gordon.  (He’ll likely murder me for nicking his foto off his wifes fb post 🫣) As I recall, he bounded into my 5th form Geography class all boyish and excitable. Walk shorts long hair and sideboards, he drove an Austin Cambridge and I got the impression there was nowhere else in the world he wanted to be but hanging with a bunch of smelly teenagers in a prefab.  He told us “communism’s not necessarily a bad thing, the green revolution pulled China out of starvation,  local food in local communites, worked for them…” This was news to me. All I’d seen on our telly or read or heard was pro-American vietnam war propoganda, American dream good, communism bad.  I didn’t pick Gordon as a lefty then and I doubt he is now. He was just laying down some history on the country, where they were at now,